Bootstrap vs Tailwind CSS

January 20, 2022

Bootstrap vs Tailwind CSS

Web development is rapidly evolving, and it can be challenging for developers to keep up with the latest frameworks. Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS are two of the most popular CSS frameworks among web developers. While both offer a wide range of benefits to web developers, they differ significantly in their approach to coding and design.

In this article, we will compare Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS regarding their features, benefits, and drawbacks, ultimately discussing which framework is better for web development.


Bootstrap is a responsive web development framework that was released in 2011. It features numerous pre-built components and styles, enabling developers to create a range of web applications with responsive designs across different devices.

Tailwind CSS is another CSS framework that was introduced in 2017, which focuses on providing utility classes for developers to create responsive and custom designs.

Key Features


Bootstrap comes with numerous pre-built components and styles, making it a suitable framework for developers who do not require much design customization. Additionally, it offers an extensive range of documentation, examples, and templates, making it easy for new developers to learn and use.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS offers developers an extensive set of utility classes, enabling them to create custom designs with ease. It also offers flexibility, allowing developers to use their styles and designs without having to edit the framework's pre-existing components.



Bootstrap offers numerous benefits to developers, including:

  • Accessibility: Bootstrap comes with accessibility options, making it easier for developers to create web applications that are accessible for everyone.

  • Responsive design: Bootstrap's responsive design makes it easier for developers to create user-friendly web applications across different devices.

  • Browser compatibility: Bootstrap's compatibility with different web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari, among others, ensures that web applications look the same, regardless of the users' web browser.

Tailwind CSS

Some of Tailwind CSS's benefits include:

  • Flexibility: Tailwind CSS offers developers the flexibility to create custom designs with ease, using utilities to build a unique website.

  • Minimal in size: Tailwind CSS is smaller in size than Bootstrap, making it faster to load on web applications.

  • Consistency: Tailwind CSS offers a consistent design approach, making it easier for developers to maintain.



Bootstrap's primary drawback is its design limitations. While it offers an extensive range of pre-built components, it can be challenging to implement unique designs without encountering obstacles. Additionally, its extensive features might be overwhelming for newer developers.

Tailwind CSS

One significant drawback of Tailwind CSS is its reliance on utility classes, leading to verbose code. This may make it challenging for new developers to learn and use, resulting in slower development times.

Which Framework is better?

Ultimately, choosing between Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS depends on developers' personal preference and project requirements. Bootstrap is ideal for developers seeking a pre-built UI design with minimal customization. On the other hand, Tailwind CSS is best for developers who want to create custom website designs with ease.

In conclusion, both frameworks have their unique benefits and shortcomings, and they can deliver excellent web development results. Thus, the choice between these frameworks depends on the developers' personal preferences, expertise, and project requirements.


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